Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wake the creative spirit in you!

Harnessing your new creative thoughts is a very exciting process. This is where you will take your new ideas and begin to shape and mold them into real possibilities.

As these new ideas begin to pop into your head, write them down as they occur. Otherwise, you may lose the moment and forget the journey that your brain was taking you on. Start to carry a small notepad with you wherever you go, at work, in your car, to a restaurant, you never know when a new idea may enter your mind.

Have you ever had those moments in life where you had a sudden and unexpected clarity? Have you ever had a moment when things seemed to slow down for you? Perhaps taking a test and without any warning, you can suddenly visualize your notes in great detail to where you can actually visualize the piece of paper with your writing on it. You look around the room as if you are cheating, but in fact your mind has just opened up a little bit to show you it’s vast capability.

It’s moments like these that we want to occur more readily. In sports, times like these are referred to as the zone. We have heard baseball player’s talk of how the ball just seemed like it was larger and traveling at much slower velocity, which made it easier for them to hit. In basketball, players get into such a rhythm shooting the ball, they say it seemed as if the hoop was twice its actual size.

This is your goal. Are these people that just have an uncanny ability with super powers?


They are simply people that have mastered the ability of focus. Focus, is the ability to take a moment in time and do with it as you choose.

So focus on what you are planning and Go Ahead. Wake the creative person within you. You will have a clear cut success in your hands...

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